This series follows a human girl, Feyre, who has to provide for her father and two younger sisters. On a hunting trip for food, she kills a wolf who happens to be from another world. When Tamlin shows up to drag her to his kingdom as punishment, she gets thrown into a dangerous game. If she loses, not only is her family and Tamlin in trouble, but everyone's doomed.
Lot's of writers will say they have a strong female character and not follow through, Sarah, on the other hand, did. Feyre's a strong female character who doesn't like being pushed around and I appreciated that. Even though she was thrown into a whole new world, she held her head high and did the best she could to survive. Her sisters, though, were just annoying as fuck. I don't think they could do something as simple as moving a book from one place to the other.
Feyre and Tamlin's romance was a slow burn, but totally worth it in the end. Oh my god, the STEAM! But I can definitely see another romance budding with Rhyland.
If you want to check out the book feel free to use this link: Amazon: Court Of Thornes and Roses and feel free to comment and tell me what you think!
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